What a story these Grain Sack Fabric Chairs have!
Hey Everyone! Welcome to another absolutely gorgeous makeover story we have for you! We tend to have lots of favorite furniture pieces, we may have to start putting them into categories! Ha! Well these two beauties and the settee we recently did are going under the category of “Favorite Upholstery Pieces” then.
Here is the “Before”
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The story to these chairs is partly crazy, partly just good dumb luck. Can you believe we didn’t find these chairs as a set? They were actually acquired separately. The first chair was found outside with all of the upholstery already taken off. It looked like it was a project that someone gave up on.
It was almost a year later and right before the market we were attending when we got a call about some furniture items from someone in town. They said they had a couple chairs that didn’t sell in the garage sale and wanted to see if we would take them. We ran to town and to our surprise there was a second matching chair to the one we already had! We couldn’t believe it!
We were so excited to have a matching pair that we could hardly contain ourselves when driving home! After a couple high-fives on our luck, we started right in on the plan for these chairs.
We had quite a few different ideas, but thought we better pick out the fabric for them first. We went to check our stash of upholstery fabric but just couldn’t decide on one. We knew these chairs deserved to have something absolutely fabulous. So we waited for something to speak to us. And we came up with Grainsack fabric!
We have always admired grainsack fabric on pillows and other chairs. When we became really excited and couldn’t think about anything else going on these – we knew that was the right route. So we ordered quite a few yards and went to town restyling these! We were able to follow the fabric pattern from the 2nd chair and made sure to get those blue stripes lined up perfectly.
We finished the fabric, started adding the trim to the edges and stopped…we didn’t have enough! Ugh, we hate it when we do that! Have to stop in the middle of a project to get more supplies. No problem, we thought, and out we went to our local Joanns to pick up some more.
But they didn’t have any…and neither did the one in the next closest town! Needless to say we panicked a bit. Our deadline to the show was in a week – and these chairs were meant to be one of the stars!
So what did we do? Kristen called a Joanns some 300 miles away to see if they had it! Are we crazy? Maybe!
Wow, we got lucky – because that store had the color we needed and Kristen’s mother-in-law (who lives in the area) snatched it and saved us from our panic! We were able to get the trim on the remaining chair just in time for the market we were attending. We were so relieved and couldn’t believe the hoops we had to jump through just to get that oyster colored trim!
But it turned out just fine in the end and now those scrubby looking chairs are completely transformed into the beautiful antiques they were meant to be! They are up for sale in our Etsy Shop and we sure hope they find a great home soon!