Have you heard of what is now being called “the chippy look” when it comes to furniture and home decor?
To me the chippy look is when your paint literally chips off in spots which creates an authentic old look even better than just normal distressing does. To make it look authentically old, like the piece has been around for many decades and has worn naturally is the key! The only way we have found to create this look very easily is with milk paint!
Milk paint has been around for many many years, but it has recently resurfaced by many different brands who are taking an old recipe in a new way. The color palettes of the milk paint lines nowadays are just absolutely amazing. Vicki and I became retailers for Miss Mustard Seed’s milk paint last spring and have been trying out many of the colors on our furniture we sell in our store.
This sweet little Empire style dresser was painted in the milk paint color called “Schloss” which is a beautiful light greige color. It was also our first real chippy piece we have done! When looking at it, you don’t notice a ton of chipping, but then when you look closer, you can see the chippy spots along the edges of the drawers and on the feet. It is more of a subtle “chippiness” instead of a huge amount.
You can see the chipped parts on this closer image above. Normally Vicki and I paint with a more opaque look to the furniture with subtle distressing, however we have always enjoyed the chippy look on antique decor items and when we see other furniture artisans creating this look! So the way this dresser subtly chipped was the perfect transition for us! Don’t get us wrong, we will still be painting with a full coverage look, but we can now say we can totally do that perfect farmhouse chippy look too!
This chippy gray dresser is one of my very favorite styles and turned out absolutely beautiful with a newly stained top and that authentic chippy paint to it. I have this style in my daughter’s nursery that I use as a multi-functional dresser and changing table. A beautiful dresser like this is so versatile though that it could be used as a buffet, or a TV console as well.
But the chippy inspiration isn’t over yet! I wanted to share some more of the chippy look by sharing some of our friends furniture pieces that have the same chippy paint to them. Most are from other Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint enthusiasts but some are from other milk paint lines as well! We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint